我们盼望这网页所涵的数据, 能帮助你了解本教会的事工,以及这些事工如何预备我们扩展神的国度; 进一步带领你走进这教会与众弟兄姊妹一同敬拜尊贵的主耶稣基督及全能神. 更美的, 我们可以彼此交通团契分享 主在我们身上所做的奇妙大工作。同时,我们也可以在这属灵家庭里参与事奉,学习彼此配搭,建立主耶稣基督的身体,在爱心关怀中增长,满有基督的身量。We hope this website can help you understand the ministries of our Church. We Hope this website can further lead you to our church with our brothers and sisters. At the same time, we can also participate in the ministries of this spiritual family, learn to support each other in service, build up the body of the Lord Jesus Christ, and grow in love and caring, full of the stature of Christ.
Our Mission
我们相信全部新旧约圣经都是神所默示无误的,是生命之道,是救恩的路,是我们生活与事奉的最高准则。(提后3:16,17; 彼后1:20,21; 太5:17,18; 启22:7;18,19; 来4:12)
We believe that the Old and New Testaments are inspired by God. That he is correct , he is the way of life, heis the way of salvation , and heis the highest criterion of our life and ministry. (2 Timothy 3 : 16,17 ; Peter 1 : 20,21 ; Matt. 5 : 17,18 ; Rev. 22 : 7 ; 18, 19 ; Heb 4:12)
Services are held in the Chapel (2300 N Main St, Blacksburg, VA 24060):
Sunday Morning services from
(Please check our calendar in the case of a temporary service time change)
Lord's Communion Monthly on the Third Sunday of the month
Potluck Monthly on the fourth Sunday of the month
Any additional services will be announced on our notice board and on our website.
9:45-11 am
We invite you to join our mailing list and receive emails we send out with news, or special Mass schedules